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2 февраля 2022

Narcissism, the seed of aggressiveness in childhood.
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п»їReceiving and giving: the principle of reciprocity
"Give what you have
so that you deserve to receive
what you lack"
(St. Augustine)
The fact of offering something without expecting anything in return is known as altruism. But to what extent can we give without receiving, is it really fair? Don't forget that everything in this life is a "back and forth". You may not get anything today for what you give, but tomorrow you will receive your reward.
How does the principle of reciprocity work? The most important foundation of reciprocity is based on the fact that we try to give back through gratitude what other people have given us before. In order to understand this a little better, perhaps we should use an explanation that takes us back to antiquity:
Man has had to share in order to survive. From knowledge to tools, food or shelter, the solidarity of some was always the way for others to continue to live.
This has not remained only in the cave age (fortunately) and is still maintained today. Since we are born, we innately bring the right feelings to establish a kind of "debt" when someone does something for us.
But there's more, as we rack our brains to figure out how to pay off that balance as soon as possible (and more than that).
So far it all seems very nice, very idyllic. But we have to come back to reality. Many people take advantage of this feeling of "guilt" that overwhelms us when we owe someone a favor. This group is based on the premise of "doing something for someone so that they feel obligated to do something for me".
This is where "induced" reciprocity comes from, so to speak. That is to say, we look for ways to help someone simply because he owes us a favor.
The first to take advantage of this feeling of guilt were the Krishnas. They would go out on the street giving flowers to passersby and then tell them that they were raising money for their foundation. Since people had received a gift (the flower), they felt obligated to make a donation to the cause. Nowadays this technique is used with other objects such as a book, a soft drink, a pen, etc.
If we extend to other sectors, some research from the 1980s has indicated that buying a drink to someone we have just met causes a feeling of indebtedness, especially sexual. This seems a bit illogical in the 21st century, but not so much 4 decades ago.
Are there good intentions in "give and take"? Some might say yes, without a second thought... The truth is that in some way, we are always expecting something in return. It doesn't mean that we want a gift or something material, but giving to others helps us to feel that we are better people, that we have "done the good deed of the day", that we can be proud of our actions, etc.
So, yes, we are expecting something in return. Perhaps we wait for the opportunity to throw back in the other person's face what we have done for them or, in a more mystical sense, we expect something higher to compensate us for our attitude, whether it is God, the Universe, Karma, etc. or simply that they are there when we need something.
Can we be 100% altruistic? it is becoming more and more strange to think of others, to help others, to put ourselves in the shoes of those who are in front of us... perhaps it would be better that instead of offering everything we have, we begin to take care of the details of each day.
It is not necessary to strip ourselves of all material goods and go hungry so that someone else can feed himself, that is to say, to become an altruist with all the letters.
We can give more to those around us, and this is an excellent way to practice altruism; with simple acts, such as giving up your seat on the subway, letting someone older than you pass before you, tying your child's shoes, preparing dinner for your family or carrying your partner's bag.
Of course you will have a reward: the other person's happiness, appreciation and affection. Don't you think that's enough of a gift?
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